I have been shooting the project “Simplicity syndrome” for about a year and this project had turned many things in my life and changed me and my attitude to things that were not noticed and seemed not to exsist.
No doubt, that most cruel things are done because people don’t know. For example, the teenagers are cruel because they are discovering the world and each discovery means pain and fear.
The society that is often in the state of half-oblivion and submerged into its own problems needs injection that could open the eyes for the reality and help avoid cruelty and isolation.
During the time of working on the project I have been to many families which experienced sorrow that filled their lives with new sense.
The mothers of the children who were born with the particular syndrome are carrying their own sentence. The sentence helps tham not only to realize unusual things but also to discover the things that are not seen and had been hidden for a long time.
I spent practically all my time with different families in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. I also lived in the country Svetlana that was organized for people with limited abilities. All the necessary things were created for children could study, develop and live full and valuable life. They baked bread, took care of the animals, built a house, created and comunicated much.
During all the time I have been shooting the movie I loved those people and their world – so deep, beautiful, different, sensible, open and sincere at the same time.
I heard poems and sayings so strong and impressive – I still hear them in my mind. I saw their dances – they were natural, light, full of childish sincerity , light, but transferring beauty, pain and passion. I looked into the eyes that expressed more that any book could tell, that could describe life and suffering by beautiful but cold words. If they laughed – it was real, if they cried the reason could be more serious that one could imagine. Every movement, every thought of those peo